First Nautical Ball of the Officers and Employees of the Cape Cod Canal invitation George Sheldon, Deerfield, Mass., Oct. 1894 Trade card for Watt & Findlay, geometrical & encaustic tile pavements, 124 Maiden Lane, New York, New, York, undated Souvenir program from Wonderland featuring Pawnee Bill, Revere Beach, Mass., 1908 Teapot Webb Mansion, Wethersfield, Conn. Turkeys, Boston, 1952 Trade card for Baker's Chocolate and Bon Bons, Winthrop M. Baker, 490 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass., undated Pair of Shoes Trade card for Fiske & Spaulding, artistic paper hangings, 117 Central and 14 Jackson Streets, Lowell, Mass., undated The Vigilant, Falmouth, Mass., 1897 Set of architectural drawings of the William Wilkins Warren House, Arlington, Mass. Account book of Silas Casey, merchant and farmer, East Greenwich, R.I. Carved Eagle Figure Vase