U.S.S. West Virginia U.S.S. West Virginia U.S.S. West Virginia Minneapolis It Foyle U.S.S. Bache Jane Palmer Jane Palmer Dorothy Palmer Marie Palmer Monitor Egret P. Ahern & Co. Launch, groceries and provisions Volage Gresham Governor Dingley Bermudian Bermudian Bermudian U.S.S. Maryland U.S.S. Maryland U.S.S. Maryland U.S.S. Maryland Catania? Hupa being transported Gettysburg Gettysburg Bessie Hamburg Hamburg Start of Ocean Race Start of Ocean Race Apache Apache Valhalla Valhalla Valhalla Sunbeam Sunbeam Sunbeam Atlantic & Ailsa Fleur de Lys Utowana Thistle Atlantic Arabic U.S.S. Colorado U.S.S. Colorado Romania