Specifications. House for Mr. Albert W. Condon, Parker Hill Ave., Milford, Mass. [Specifications for] Dwelling House for Mr. J. J. Connors, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to House for Miss Ella J. Cook and Mr. George G. Cook, West Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications...House for Orrin C. Cook, Prospect Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications for...a house for Robert Allen Cook, Architect, #57 Prospect Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications of Alterations to House for Mr. Harold Curtiss, Milford, Mass. Specifications for a Two-Family House for Mrs. Margaret Daley, Taylor St., Milford, Mass. Specifications. Workmens Houses, Types L, M, N, O for the Draper Co.. at Prospect Heights, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Two Workmen's Cottages for the Draper Company at Prospect Heights, Milford, Mass. Specifications of Alterations & Repairs to Farm House for Governor Eben S. Draper, Highland St., Milford, Mass. Specifications. House for Mr. Fred J. Egan, Milford, Mass. [Specifications for] Elks Home, Milford, Mass. Specifications for Alterations to House for Mrs. F. L. Ellis, corner of Main and Elms Sts., Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to House. Piazza for Mrs. S. A. Ellis, Purchase St., Milford, Mass. Specifications of Alterations to Factory Building, No. Bow Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications...Building for Mr. Vincenzo Farese, Water & Oliver Streets, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Three-Family House for Mr. Vincenzo Farese, Oliver Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications...the First Congregational Church, Milford, Mass. Specifications...Store & Tenement Building for Mr. Wilbur G. Fiske, East Main Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications...House for Mrs. Annie E. Gaskill, So. Milford, Mass. Specifications of an Alteration and Additions to House for Mr. Lewis B. Gaskill, So. Milford, mass. Specifications...for Bungalow for Mr. John Goodwin, Milford, Mass. Specifications...House for Mr. William C. Grow, Milford, Mass. Specifications...Stable for Mr. William C. Grow, Milford, Mass. Specifications...House for Mr. G. Elmer Hancock, Milford, Mass. Specifications...for Store Buiding for Mr. B. E. Harris, Nos. 259, 261, 263 Main Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Storage Building Addition to Store Building for Mr. B. E. Harris, 257 Main Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to Store Building for Mr. B. E. Harris, Nos. 259-267 Main Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to Store Building for the Harris Estate, No. 258 Main St., Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to the Hayward Building, Nos. 180, 182, 184, and 186 Main St., Milford, Mass. Specifications...dwelling house for Albet O. Hersey, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Storage Vault Addition and Alteration to Home National Bank, Milford, Mass. Specifications...Building No. 2, Battery Factory for Hopedale Electric Co., Milford, Mass. [Specifications for] Dwelling House for George Jenneson, Esq., South Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to Journal Building, Exchange St., Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to Buildings for Maurice L. Katz, Esq., School & Pine Sts., Lincoln Sq., Milford, Mass. Specifications for and Addition to House (Porte Cochere) for Mr. B. E. Harris, Claflin Street, Milford, Mass. Outline Specifications...House for John C. Lynch, Main St., Milford, Mass. Specifications Chapin Street School Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specifications...Alteration to Clafin School Building for Town of Milford, Mass. [Specifications for] Hook & Ladder Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. [Specifications] for Alterations to Fire Department Building, Spruce Street, Milford, Mass. Specifications for...High School Building, Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to No. Purchase Grammar School Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specifications. School Building, Oliver Street for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specifications...for Alterations to Park School Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specifications. Alterations to [So. Grammar] School Buildings for the Townof Milford, Mass. Specifications...Spruce Street Primary School Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specifications...Addition to Town Hall Building for the Town of Milford, Mass. Specificatitons...Town House Building, Milford, Mass.