Campeau - Canner Capen - Caret Cario Carreno - Cary Carter Casey Cellucci - Chamberlain Champlin - Chan Chandler - Channing Chapin Chase Chauncy - Cheney Cheeseborough - Chilton Choate Chute - Churchill Clap - Clapp Clark - Clarke -- unmounted Clark - Clarke -- mounted Clay - Cloy Cleveland - Cobb Codman - Coes Coffin Cogswell - Coleman Collins Collyer - Columbus Conant - Cooke Coolidge Coolidge, Baldwin Cooper Coquelin - Cor[...] Cotton - Cowin Covell (1 of 3) Covell (2 of 3) Covell, King (3 of 3) -- leaves from an album Cox Crafts Craigie - Crocker Cram, Goodhue Ferguson (architects) Cromwell - Croswell Crowinshield - Curley Curtis -- unmounted Curtis -- mounted Curtis - Custi Cushing - Cushman/Cutting Cutler Cutts Dale - Dall Dallinger - Dale Dalton Dana