Trade card for A.F. Thompson & Co., jobbers and wholesale dealers in American and foreign drugs, 63 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass., undated Trade card for Boericke & Tafel, homoeopathic pharmaceutists and publishers, 145 Grand Street, between Broadway and Elm Street, New York, New York, undated Trade card for unidentified pharmacy, location unknown, undated Trade card for Francis T. Church, druggist, corner Court and Howard Streets, Boston, Mass., undated Prescription for Chas. I. Eaton, pharmacist, 1233 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated Trade card for Boston Branch Store, pharmacy, Robertson Block, Quincy, Mass., undated Trade card for Geo. F. Ropes & Co., apothecaries, 214 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. undated Trade card for Kelley Brothers, pharmacists, location unknown, undated Trade card for Kelley Brothers, pharmacists, location unknown, undated Trade card for Geo. F. Ropes & Co., apothecaries, 214 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., undated Trade card for Geo. F. Ropes & Co., apothecaries, 214 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., undated Trade card for Geo. F. Ropes & Co., apothecaries, 214 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., undated Trade card for Geo. F. Ropes & Co., apothecaries, 214 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., undated Trade card for Farrington & Luscom, pharmacists, 310 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., 1878 Trade card for Farrington & Luscom, apothecaries, 310 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., 1878 Advertisement for Thomas Bartlett, pharmacist, Boston, Mass., August 6, 1800 Trade card for Samuel Kedder & Co., druggists, Charlestown, Mass., undated Prescription for sprains, location unknown, undated Prescription for coughs, J. Skinner, location unknown, dated March 4, 1878 Prescription envelope for the Thomas Hollis Company, drugstore, 23 Union Street, Boston, Mass., undated Prescription for Claude Curtis, pharmacist, College Avenue and Broadway, Powder House Square, Somerville, Mass., undated Trade card for Charles A. Adams, pharmacist, Newton's Block, West Gardner, Mass., undated Handbill for the Brandon Drug Store, Case & Cheney, Brandon, Vermont, December 1, 1869 Orlando Tompkins, druggist and apothecary, No. 271 Washington Street, corner Winter Street, Boston, Mass., ca. 1865 Trade card for Frank C. Cummings, apothecary, Clark's Block, Natick, Mass., undated Trade card for Frank C. Cummings, apothecary, Clark's Block, Natick, Mass., undated Trade card for O.G. Kimball, druggist and apothecary, Woodstock, Vermont, undated Trade card for J.R. Hall, Hall's Drug Store, Newport, Vermont, undated Trade card for Frank C. Cummings, apothecary, Clark's Block, Natick, Mass., 1878 Advertisement for Joseph Burnett, apothecary, 33 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass., undated Billhead for the Howard Drug Company, wholesale and retail, White River Junction, Vermont, dated September 27, 1921 Billhead for C.H. Talcott & Company, wholesale druggists, Hartford, Connecticut, dated February 18, 1904 Business card for F.M. Killam, nurse, registered, 52 Rutland Square, 8 The Fenway, Boston, Mass., undated Business card for Mary Frances Cleary, graduate nurse, Brookline, Mass., undated Business card for Mr. H.L. Leavey, graduate nurse, 95 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass., undated Business card for A.L. Pilgrim, trained nurse, 40 Upton Street, Boston, Mass., undated Greeting card for Oscar Schreck, M.D.V., veterinary surgeon, West Haven, Connecticut, dated December 25, 1925 Hood's pocket calendar, C.I. Hood & Co., apothecaries, Lowell, Mass., 1881 Almanac for Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston, Mass., 1879 Treatise on fevers in general, but more particularly of chills and fever, ague, and all malarial diseases, giving simple directions for their treatment, with Thermaline, Dundas Dick & Co., New York, 1… Story of a gold headed cane, Otis Clapp & Son, Inc., 439 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., undated Receipt for Thomson's Patent, Samuel Thomson, Boston, Mass., dated August 17, 1839 War! war!! war!!! between physicians and the matchless sanative, location unknown, 1837 Trade card for Parker's Tonic, the great health and strength restorer, location unknown, undated Trade card for Hunt's Remedy, the great kidney & liver medicine, William E. Clarke, proprietor, Providence, Rhode Island, undated Trade card for Dundas Dick & Company, Tasteless Medicines, New York, New York, 1876-1877 Trade cards for George P. Farrington, druggist, 310 Essex Street, Salem, Mass., 1878 Trade card for C.I. Hood Family Medicines, C.I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass., 1903 You need this! Anheuser-Busch's Malt-Nutrine, Detroit, Calvert Lith. Co., 1896 Trade card for Hoffman's Harmless Headache Powders, Hoffman Drug Co., New Rochelle, New York, undated