Unerring hands need this floating lamp, Dazor Floating Lamps, fluorescent and incandescent, Dazor Manufacturing Co., 4483 Duncan Ave., St. Louis, Missouri Turntite, the screwless canopy, Service Electric Manufacturing Co., 564 Atlantic Avenue, near South Station, Boston, Mass. F.S.D. of Terrace Porch Cornice, etc., House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Nov. 27, 1929 Sleeping Porch Details, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., undated "Detail of Servants' Porch" Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 2-5, 1929 F.S.D. of Main Cornice, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 2-6, 1929 F.S.D. of Ell Cornice, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 3-6, 1929 F.S.D. of Cornice for Wing, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 3-6, 1929 Balustrade Details, Roof, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 5, 1929 "F.S.D. of Servant Porch Cornice", Drawing of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 5, 1929 F.S.D. of Main Pediment, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 7, 1929 F.S.D. of Pediment Mouldings and F.S.D. of Cornice & Rake Mouldings, Stair Hall & Service Rm., Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 9, 1929 Detail of Pediment, Front Elevation, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 10, 1929 Main Staircase Details, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 17, 1929 and Feb. 20, 1930 Untitled details, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 18, 1929 F.S.D. of Scroll on Landings & Gallery, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., Dec. 21, 1929 Dormer Details, Third Floor North Elevation, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., November 1929 and Dec. 27, 1929 "Details of Pantry, Servants Hall & Rear Stair Hall", Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., January 5-7, 1930 F.S.D. of Closets, Drawers, Cupboards etc., Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., January 7, 1930 Serving Room Details, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., January 14-Mar. 20, 1930 Fireplace Details, Main Hall & Library, Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., January 15-22, 1930 Details of Coat Room 1st Fl., Drawings of House for Mrs. Talbot C. Chase, Brookline, Mass., January 17, 1930 and Feb. 4, 1930 Catalogue no. 3, Inland Glass Company, manufacturers illuminating glassware, Chicago, Illinois Sterling Silvered Glass Reflectors, catalog no. 25, Reflector & Illuminating Co., manufacturers and engineers, 565 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Lighting fixtures, catalog no. 18, Arvedon Bros., Inc., jobbers and manufactureres of electrical supplies, lighting fixtures and electrical glassware, 44-46 Portland Street, Boston, Mass. Exterior lighting equipment, Service Electric Manufacturing Co., 564 Atlantic Avenue, near South Station, Boston, Mass. Air conditioning and refrigeration Concrete and granite Doors and windows Fireproofing and waterproofing Trade cards for the Household Sewing Machine Co., Providence, Rhode Island, undated Trade card for the Domestic Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass., 1882 Trade cards for The White Sewing Machine, Cleveland, Ohio, undated Your home deserves a Cox Kitchen, Cox Kitchens, Inc., 36 Bush Avenue, Port Chester, New York Trade card for the New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass., undated Notable household specialties recipe book, Sidney Shepard & Co. Universal Bread Maker, made by Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Connecticut Home menus, what to serve and how to set and decorate a table, The Caloric Company, Janesville, Wisconsin Capehart, The Capehart, Inc., Fort Wayne, Indiana Art gallery and fashion indicator, vol. 1, no. 6, published by Jordan, Marsh & Co., Washington, Summer & Avon Streets, Boston, Mass. Radio frequency amplification, by J.M. Avery & M.L. Muhleman, The E.I. Co., 233 Fulton Street, New York, New York Facts about Filene's, Wm. Filene's Sons Company, Washington and Winter Streets, Boston, Mass. Catalogue, fall of 1897 and winter of 1898, Nichols & Morse, clothiers, hatters and furnishers, 56 Merrimack Street, Haverhill, Mass. Friendly clocks, The Sessions Clock Co., Forestville, Connecticut Fall styles, 1931, Collins & Fairbanks Co., 383 Washington Street, 16 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. Blodgett Signal Clock, Blodgett Bros. & Co. Straw hats for men and women, summer 1928, Collins & Fairbanks Co., 383 Washington Street, 16 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. Illustrations of clocks, manufactured by the Waterbury Clock Co., American Reprints, St. Louis, Missouri Perfection Cape, guaranteed rain-proof garment, manufactured only by Metropolitan Air Goods Co., Athol, Mass. Seth Thomas Clocks, Seth Thomas Clock Company, Thomaston, Connecticut