Six Drinking Glasses Two Water Containers Two Condiment Spoons Corkscrew Platter Dinner plate Bookcase Set of Dessert Plates Pair of Teacups Pair of Saucers Bellows Hearth brush Andiron Andiron Jamb hook Jamb hook Toasting iron Bowl Bowl Portrait Bedskirt Valance Tester bed Plate Tureen with Cover Tureen with stand Tureen with stand Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup and Saucer Teapot with lid Cream Pitcher Cup and Saucer Dish Glass Dish Calling Card Case Calling Card Print Maker Door Plate Box Plate Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup Teacup