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Label for Coes & Stodder, men's shoes, 10 to 14 School Street, Boston, Mass., October 25, 1923

Pedestrians look in the windows of Coes & Stodder's shoe store.

Envelope for R.H. White & Co., clothing, 518 to 536 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The envelope has a store image and advertises Trefousse Kid Gloves. The receipt, inside the envelope, has a notice on the verso asking customers to report the "inattention or incivility" of White employees.

Trade card for Continental Clothing House, clothing and furnishing goods, 744, 746, 748 & 750 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

Continental carries men's, youth's, boys' and children's clothing. The card verso is a baseball score card for Boston versus Chicago.

Trade card for Continental Clothing House, clothing and furnishing goods, 744, 746, 748 & 750 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The card advertises "Special Attractions for Spring 1877." The Championship Record is dated September 11, 1877 for Boston, Louisville, St. Louis, Hartford, Chicago and Cincinnati. The card verso is a baseball score card for Boston versus Chicago.

Invitation for A. Shuman & Company, wholesale and retail clothiers, 440 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., September 29, 1880

The card image is a facsimile of Shuman's historical plate "showing costumes from the 1st century to present date" entitled "Grand Panorama Historique de la Mode." The card verso is an invitation for a grand re-opening to take place on October 2, 1880. The new store features are described in detail.

Spring and summer, 1876, L.P. Hollander & Co., 494 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., 1876

Numbered figures of men, women and children model clothes available from L.P. Hollander. Below the image the description reads "Importers & designers of men's & boys' fine custom clothing also ladie's riding habits & street garments."

Trade card for exhibition of shawls, cloak and silk goods, Jewett & Prescott's, No. 2 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Ladies and gentlmen are asked to remember the exhibition at Jewett & Prescott's store. The card has embossed decoration around the wording.

Trade card for Macullar, Williams, & Parker, clothing & furnishing goods, No. 192 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The business is a manufacturer and dealer in clothing and furnishing goods.

Trade card for C.N. Ballou, ready-made clothing and furnishing goods, No.15 Market Square, Newburyport, Mass., undated

Ballou also carries trunks, valises and umbrellas. There is a drawing of the American flag on the card verso.

Trade card for J.E. Morey & Co., hosiery, globes, yarns and under-garrments, 21 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass., undated

Morey manufactures and deals in a variety of goods.

Trade card for Z. Parmenter & Co., manufacturers of The Waltham Hosiery, Waltham, Mass., undated

Three names are listed on the card as associated with Waltham Hosiery.

Trade card for Currier & Kendall, clothiers, Milford, Mass., undated

The image is labeled "Be every Christmas blessing thine." The card verso reads "Holiday greetings from Currier & Kendall, Clothiers, Milford, Mass."

Trade card for Pollard, Alford & Co., military and regalia goods, 104 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., ca. 1880

The business carries regalia for military and masonic societies and theatrical goods. The card verso details all the items carried.

Trade card for Macullar, Williams & Parker, clothing, 194 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Five names are listed on the card as associated with the business.

Trade card for Leopold Morse, clothing house, 29 & 30 Dock Square, corner of Exchange Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Pedestrians walk by the multi-level Morse clothing store in Dock Square.

Trade card for J. Carpas, ladies' misses' and children's garments, Nantucket and Falmouth, Mass., undated

Carpas carries men's and boys' clothing, dry goods, stationery and household goods. The card verso describes a premium for customers.

Trade card for Perine, Roberts, & Co., clothiers, 797 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, undated

The card verso describes the stylish and well-made men and women's clothing available at the shop.

Trade card for James F. Stiles, ladies' gents' & children's handkerchiefs, 355 Main Street, Fitchburg, Mass., undated

Three chicks fight over a twig in this image advertising Stiles' handkerchiefs.

Trade card for Currier & Kendall, clothiers, Milford, Mass., undated

The image is labeled "New Year's blessings wait upon thee." The card verso is printed "Holiday greetings from Currier & Kendall, Clothiers, Milford, Mass."

Trade card for Naumkeag Clothing Co., Salem, Mass., undated

Sailboats and a lighthouse in the distance are in the advertising image used by the Naumkeag Clothing Company.

Trade card for Milton & Slocomb, drapers & tailors, Nos.4, 5, 6, & 7 Old Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., ca. 1835

Milton & Slocomb have a clothes warehouse in Faneuil Hall.

Trade card for Call & Tuttle, fashionable tailors and importers, 453 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card calls attention to the receipt of fine woolens for gentlemen's wear and ladies' sacks and ulsters from foreign manufacturers. Call & Tuttle was established in 1837.

Trade card for L.E. Higgins & Co., combination clothiers, 285 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

Higgins deals in clothing for men, children and youth. The verso details the type of clothing and prices for fall bargains.

Trade card for Standard Clothing Co., 395 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., ca.1888

The card verso describes the men's clothing available for $15.00 in the Standard Clothing Company.

Trade card for Meligan Man Wear Celluloid Collar and Cuff, location unknown, undated

This trade card contains harmful imagery and language employing racist stereotypes. Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England doe...

Trade card for ladies' & gents' cuffs, collars & bosoms, location unknown, undated

This trade card contains harmful imagery and language employing racist stereotypes. Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England doe...

Trade card for Boston & Providence Clothing Co., 104, 106 & 108 Westminster St., Providence, Rhode Island, ca. 1877

The trade card image is a flock of birds in a tree. A handwritten note on the card verso reads "probably in the late seventies."

Trade card for Crown Prince Linen Collar, Pine & Hamblin manufacturers, Boston, Mass., 1879

The upper left corner of the card has a lion image flanked by the words "Trade Mark." The lower right corner reads "Copyright 1879 by L. Prang & Co., Boston, U.S.A."

Trade card for Besse, Middlebrook & Co., clothiers, hatters, outfitters, 155 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The Besse Syndicate has 27 stores. The card verso invites the public to come and view the fall and winter frock or sack suits made of black,clay and worsted materials.

Trade card for The Fruit of the Loom, New Eng. Lith. Co., 109 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The peach image is captioned "Stump the world."

Trade card for The Fruit of the Loom, New Eng. Lith. Co., 109 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card reads "Non such" below the pear image.

Trade card for The Fruit of the Loom, New Eng. Lith. Co., 109 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card reads "Seek no further" below the apple image.

Trade card for The Fruit of the Loom, New Eng. Lith. Co., 109 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., undated

1 trade card : color illustration ; 6 1/5 x 5 1/2 inches

Billhead for Moore Smith Company, clothing, 250 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass., dated August 9, 1912

The Company is a manufacturer and jobber of hats, caps, straw goods, gloves, fur coats and robes. It was established in 1858 and incorporated in 1902.

Billhead for The Warner & Bailey Co., ready made clothing, Nos. 108 & 110 Asylum Street, Hartford, Connecticut., dated October 20, 1906

The Company is a manufacturer and wholesaler in ready made clothing including overalls, coats and jumpers.

Trade card for The Jamaica Glove Co., cotton gloves and mittens, Lisbon, New Hampshire, dated June 1, 1925

The Jamaica Glove Company is a manufacturer and wholesale dealer.

Billhead for The Warner & Bailey Co., ready made clothing, Hartford, Connecticut., dated September 23, 1902

1 billhead ; 8 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches

Billhead for Gifford, Simpson & Co., ladies' gents' and misses' kid gloves, No. 59 Temple Place, Boston, Mass., ca.1800

The Company is an importer and dealer with Paris kid gloves a specialty. They are the "sole agents for the celebrated Bon Marche Gloves."

Billhead for Ira Parker & Co., Littleton Saranac Buck Gloves, Littleton, New Hampshire, ca. 1800

Parker is the manufacturer of the Littleton Saranac Buck Gloves.

Trade card for Edward Kakas, manufacturer of furs, 16 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The bottom of the card reads "Copyright 1877 by L. Prang & Co."

Card case for the Fuller Regalia & Costume Co., 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The outside of the case reads "Compliments of Austin S. Esty, Boston Manager for The Fuller Regalia & Costume Co., 564 Washington Street, Boston."

Trade card for Ryan & Carroll, clothing, 98 Main Street, Lincoln Square, Milford, Mass., undated

The card verso announces a sale of $12,000 worth of clothing, hats, caps and furnishing goods, damaged by fire and smoke, to be sold over the next thirty days without regard to cost.

Trade card for Parker Brothers & Co., Saranac Gloves, Littleton, New Hampshire, undated

The name "E.W. Cole" is in the lower left corner of the card.

Trade card for the One Price Clothing Co., Brockton, Mass., undated

Two children read books in this trade card image. The One Price Clothing Company has the "biggest store, biggest stock and lowest prices."

Trade card for the W.G. Gould General Variety Store, Peace Dale, Rhode Island, undated

Gould carries products made by the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company such as serges, cheviots, friezes, overcoatings and fancy cassimeres suitable for bicycle, dress and business suits. The Store also carries steamer rugs and double-faced goods for capes.

Trade card for Admiral Clothes, Boston Uniform Co., Inc., 62, 64, 66, Chelsea Street, Charlestown, Mass., undated

The Boston Uniform Company will provide custom tailoring to individual measurements. The business was established in 1898.

Trade card for the Boston Uniform Co., Inc., naval uniforms and equipment, 62, 64, 66, Chelsea Street, Charlestown, Mass., undated

The Boston Uniform Company carries naval uniforms and equipment.

Trade card for the Fashion Salon, location unkown, undated

The card reads "Please present this card at our Fashion Salon, Tuesday, September the 14, Wednesday the 15, 10 to 12, 2 to 4."

Trade card for The Old South Clothing House, 315 & 317 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card verso describes the store which carries men's boys' and children's clothing and is located opposite the Old South Church.

Trade card for Horatio Staples, three button kid gloves, No.180 Middle Street, Portland, Maine, undated

Horatio Staples sells kid gloves in opera, medium and dark shades for fifty cents a pair.