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Trade card for L.I Fisk & Co's Japanese Soap, Springfield, Mass., undated

The product can be used in the laundry, bath or toilet. Fisk was established in 1857.

Trade card for Lustro, metal cleaner, Lustro Company, location unknown, undated

The image caption reads "Lustro is the best and quickest cleaner of silver, nickel and all plated wares in the world." The card verso information is missing.

Red Star Cleaning Powder and Silver Cream, J.A. Wright & Co., Keene, New Hampshire, 1897

The Company products are described in text and photographs. Wright was established in 1873.

Old English parade of products, cleaning supplies, location unknown, undated

The pamphlet describes the Old English product line for the home including floor and furniture wax, rug shampoo and a glass cleaner.

Shearograph,T. Hersom & Co.'s soap and Italian sapone, location unkown, 1905

The pamphlet contains eight pages of animal cutouts for children. The back cover is an advertisement for T. Hersom & Company's soap and Italian sapone. It states the products "contain a large quantity of Borax."

Trade card for Housekeepers Soap, Hale, Teele & Bisbee, Cmabridgeport, Mass., undated

The caption reads "Use Housekeepers Soap made by Hale, Teele & Bisbee."

Trade card for Alma Polish, shoe polish, M.S. Cahill & Co., 94 Lincoln Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card verso describes the benefits of Alma Polish which won a Silver Medal at the World Exposition in New Orleans, May, 1885. The item was patented June 24, 1884.

Trade card for Boraxine, substitute soap, Larkin Soap Mfg. Co., Buffalo, New York, undated

The card verso reads "Boraxine has for many years cleaned everything at the Boston Museum of Art." The product is an all purpose cleaner.

Trade card for Sapolio, Enoch Morgan's Sons, location unknown, undated

The image caption reads "Clean marble with Sapolio." The card verso lists all the types of household items the soap will clean.

Bookmark for Higgins Soap, location unkown, undated

The image caption reads "Dar's no use talking Missus Higgins Soap am de soap."

Circular for Woodsum's Instantaneous Window Polish, Woodsum and Company, 563 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The product cleans windows, mirrors, pictures, glass show cases, lamps, chimneys and metals of all kinds.

Trade card for Hand Sapolio, Enoch Morgan's Sons, location unknown, undated

The card verso describes the benefits of Hand Sapolio and promotes the other Sapolio product for house cleaning needs.

Trade cards for S.S. Crosby and H. Towne, watchmakers, 421 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Crosby and Towne are with Crosby & Foss at the Washington Street address.

Trade card for H.J. Hooton & Co., watches and jewelry, 357 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., 1876

Below the flower image the card reads "Copyright 1876 by L. Prang & Co."

Trade card for Richard Hills & Brother, watch makers, No. 206 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The brothers deal in watches and jewelry.

Trade card for Horatio Towne, watchmaker, Crosby, Morse & Foss, 240 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card states that Towne had formerly been with Haddock, Lincoln & Foss.

Trade card for S. & J. Myers, watches, watch materials, 90 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The business handles jewelry, spectacles, vest chains, crystals and tools. It was formerly located at No. 16 Hanover Street.

Trade card for Nathaniel G. Wood, watches, gold jewelry, gold chains, 9 & 11 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Wood repairs watches and deals in solid silver and plated ware.

Trade card for Aaron Holmes, clocks, watches, jewelry and silver ware, 16 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The bottom of the card reads "Clocks, watches and jewelry carefully repaired."

Trade card for Albert H. Brooks, chronometer and watch maker, No. 99 Court Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The card states that special attention is given to repairing French and Calender Clocks. Brooks was with William Bond & Son for five years.

Frederic Nicoud, chronometers and watches, Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, undated

The manufacturer's receipt states the watch will wear well and be well regulated.

Trade card for American Watch Factory, Waltham Watch Co., Waltham, Mass., dated April 9, 1869

The card certifies that the Lever Watch Movement was manufactured at the American Watch Factory in Waltham, Massachusetts. The Factory is the successor to Appleton Tracy & Company.

Trade card for George W. Herrick, watches, clocks, jewelry, J.J. Brown's Drug Store, Main Street, Andover, Mass., undated

The card verso reads "Standard time received from Cambridge at 9 o'clock every morning."

Advertisement for Waltham Watches, H.O. Ford & Co., 84 Tremont Street, Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass, undated

Ford sells products from the American Watch Company in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Announcement for Strasburg Clock Exhibition, Horticultural Hall,Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., undated

An announcement that a facsimile of the original Strasburg Clock will be on exhibit in the Horticultural Hall on Tremont Street.

Trade card for the Waterbury Watch, location unknown, undated

A Waterbury Watch and other publications will be given to agents and subscribers to "The Weekly Globe," Boston, Massachusetts.

Billhead for Thomas Steele, watches and jewelry, 195 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut, dated July 12, 1846

Steele, located in the Exchange Buildings, is a manufacturer and wholesale and retail dealer in watches, jewelry, silverware, spectacles and pens.

Billhead for William Beals, Dr., clock manufacturer, corner of Hanover and Blackstone Streets, Boston, Mass., dated November, 30, 1849

The billhead states that Beals "has been appointed agent for the principal Connecticut clock manufacturers." He supplies clock materials and watch and clock oil.

Advertisement for Howard Watch & Clock Co., E. Howard & Co., 114 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. and 552 Broadway, New York, New York, ca.1884

The company makes church, depot, railway, tower and electro-magnetic watch clocks.

Billhead for Morrill Bros. and Co., watches, diamonds, jewelry and silver ware, 403 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., dated June 25, 1890

Morrill deals in diamonds, watches, jewelry and silverware.

Trade card for J.B. Swett, watchmaker, optician, 87 Main Street, Charlestown, Mass., undated

Swett performs repairs of all kind from his business in Charlestown, Massachusetts.

Trade card for John F. Foster, practical watch and clock maker, 83 Winter Street, Mansfield, Mass., undated

The card attests to Foster's specialization with French, Banjo and Hall clocks and has a line to record the repair date.

Trade card for Dueber Watch Case, T. Dunlap, dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, 959 Elm Street, Manchester, New Hampshire, undated

The image shows the Dueber Watch Case factories in Newport, Kentucky. The card verso is an ad for T. Dunlap who carries the item.

Winton, guardian of the flight of time, Lenox Jewelry Co., 381 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The pamphlet describes, through text and photographs, various Winton Wrist Watch styles and features and includes a price list.

Trade card for Albert Berger & Co., W.B. & C. watch glasses, No. 47 Maiden Lane, New York, New York, undated

The factory for the "watch glasses" is located in Goetzenbruck, Lorraine. There are offices in Paris and London in addition to New York.

Announcement for the 8th Wonder or Engle Clock, Stephen D. Engle, jeweler and watchmaker, Hazelton, Pennsylvania, undated

The card verso describes a $50,000 challenge to the public to improve on the Engle which is an apostolic, musical and astronomical clock. The Engle is on exhibit in principal cities of the United States.

Trade card for The Waterbury, J.S. Warner, watchmaker & jeweler, Ogdensburg, New York, undated

The image vignettes follow a customer buying a Waterbury Watch after purchasing an inferior brand. The card verso is stamped with Warner's information.

Waltham Railroad Watches, A. H. Pond Co. Inc., 214 S. Warren Street, Syracuse, New York, undated

The leaflet describes the reliability, styles and sizes of Waltham Watches available through A.H. Pond in Syracuse, New York.

Trade card for A.C. Tucker, optician, Tucker-Mason Building, South Avenue, Whitman, Mass., undated

Tucker performs watch, clock and jewelry repair. The card provides street railway line information.

Trade card for Elgin Watches, Flint Brothers, 53 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, undated

Elgin Watches are carried by Flint Brothers in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

Trade card for Elgin Watches, A.B. & S.W. Skinner, opposite Court House, Keene, New Hampshire, undated

This dealer in Elgin Watches is located opposite the Court House in Keene, New Hampshire.

Billhead for J. V. Kettell & Co., American watches, 376 Washington, corner of Franklin Street, Boston, Mass., dated April 16, 1889

Kettell deals in lockets, chains, seals, French clocks and performs watch repairs.

Billhead for R.H. White & Co., 518 to 536 Washington Street near West, Boston, Mass., dated June 1, 1877

The R.H. White building is seen with pedestrians and horse-drawn vehicles in front of it on Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Billhead for H.C. Blue & Co., custom clothing, uniforms, 39 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., dated August 14, 1883

The business name has been amended to "H.C. Blue & Webb." The company is located "Next door east of C.F. Hovey & Co."

Letterhead for Isaac Fenno & Co., wholesale clothiers, 66 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass., 1863-1872

The handwritten note at the bottom of the item reads "Letterhead of 1863-1872, being the years during which this firm occupied the address shown."

Billhead for Geo. M. Glazier, clothing, 77 & 81 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., dated April 27, 1875

Glazier is an agent for the Narragansett Collar Company.

Billhead for Brown Durrell Co., importers and manufacturers, Essex Street, Boston, Mass., March 9, 1907

The images show the Boston and New York buildings for Brown Durrell Company.

Billhead for Keating, Lane & Co., clothing, 81 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass., dated May 17, 1871

Keating has a wholesale clothing warehouse located on Franklin Street. The image is captioned "Cathedral Building."

Advertisement for L.D. Boise & Co., clothing, 154 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., ca.1863

Boise is a manufacturer of fashionable clothing and a "one price clothing store." The locations is "five doors south of Milk Street."

Advertisement for John Gove & Co., clothing, cloths, and furnishing goods, Nos. 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36 Merchants' Row and 1 Market Square, Boston, Mass., ca.1854

Gove will make clothes to order and is located between Faneuil Hall and State Street. The verso has advertisements for Beck & Company Perfumers, A.F. Bartlett Washington Suspender Shoulder Braces and the Phelps & Dalton Dickinson Type Foundry.