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Advertisment for Turner's Tic Douloureux or Universal Neuralgia Pill, Turner & Co., proprietors, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., 1867

The advertisement lists references and retail dealers for the product. The page is from the "Atlantic Monthly," 1867.

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Advertisements for Dr. Babcock's Hair Dressing, American Dermatological Institute, 28 Winter Street, Boston, Mass., December 1867

Dr. Babcock has products for treating baldness, premature grayness, hair loss and diseases of the hair and scalp. The pages are from the "Atlantic Monthly Advertiser," December 1867. The business is located in the Arcade Building.

Billhead for the Howard Drug Company, wholesale and retail, White River Junction, Vermont, dated August 26, 1921

The Howard Drug Company is an agent for The Moxie Company.

Trade card for Dr. J.Q. Dickerman & Son, No. 64 City Square, Taunton, Mass., 1879

Dickerman's service prices are listed. He also practices in Mansfield on certain days of the week.

Trade card for Dr. E.J. Thompson, dentist, 91 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

Thompson is located in the Brownell Building in Providence, Rhode Island.

Trade card for James Taylor, Jr., M.D., 49 Pearl Street, Worcester, Mass., undated

Dr. Taylor practices in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Dr. Gerard L. Lemay, optometrist, 1221 Elm Street, Manchester, New Hampshire, undated

Dr. Lemay practices with Lemay Brothers in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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Advertisement for Dr. J.W. Poland's White Pine Compound, New England Botanic Depot, Boston, Mass., October 1867

The White Pine Compound cures sore throats, colds, coughs, diphtheria and bronchitis. Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion is available from B.C. Perry, dermatologist, No. 49 Bond Street, New York. The page is from the "Atlantic Monthly Advertiser," October 1867.

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Advertisement for Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, location unknown, September 1867

Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient is sold by all druggists. Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion is available from B.C. Perry, dermatologist, No. 49 Bond Street, New York. The page is from the "Atlantic Monthly Advertiser," September 1867.

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Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion, B.C. Perry, dermatologist, No. 49 Bond Street, New York, New York, November 1867

Dr. Perry treats hair loss, premature grayness and diseases of the skin. The page is from the "Atlantic Monthly Advertiser," November 1867.

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Circular for Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil, Wm. Renne & Sons, Pittsfield, Mass., undated

The circular lists prices and dealers around the country who carry the product. The item was patented May 7, 1872.

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Receipt for Thomson's Patent, Samuel Thomson, Boston, Mass., dated August 30, 1839

Thomson's Patent cannot be sold to physicians or their students

Circular for The Ayer Line of Family Medicines, Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Cherry Pectoral, Pills and Ague Cure are described along with testimonials and health tips.

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Circular for Vegetine, blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1881-1882

Testimonials and images of past United States presidents are found throughout the circular.

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Circular for Vegetine, blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1872

Testimonials and images of past United States presidents are found throughout the circular.

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Circular for The Family Medicine Herbalia, blood purifier, A.J. Morse & Co., 364 Athens Street, South Boston, Mass., 1880

The benefits of Herbalia are described through testimonials.

Label for Dr. Chas. Adams' Concentrated Jaundice and Tonic Bitters, Oakham, Mass., undated

The tonic is "recommended in all cases of debility." The item was printed at the Gazette office, Barre, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., druggists and dealers in medicines, Lowell, Mass., undated

The trade card fragment has an incomplete description of one of Dr. Ayer's medications.

Trade card for Timothy Parker, rheumatism tonic, No. 10 Alley Street, Lynn, Mass., undated

Parker, who describes himself as a "workingman," claims to have developed a tonic which cures rheumatism while living in Eastport, Maine.

Trade card for Ayer's Ague Cure, Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

The product "is warranted to cure fever & ague and all malarial disorders."

Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879

The image text reads "Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid cures sick headache & biliousness." The card verso describes the conditions Liveraid will cure. The bottom of the verso reads "The Bellanodyne Plaster relieves pain like a touch of magic."

Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879

The image text reads "Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid ensures appetite & digestion." The card verso describes the conditions Liveraid will cure. The bottom of the verso reads "The Bellanodyne Plaster relieves pain like a touch of magic."

Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879

The image text reads "Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid the wonderful liver remedy." The card verso describes the conditions Liveraid will cure. The bottom of the verso reads "The Bellanodyne Plaster relieves pain like a touch of magic."

Trade card for Parkers Tonic, location unknown, undated

The top of the card reads "Rescued from a bed of suffering. Parkers Tonic brings the bloom of health to the cheek and delight to the heart."

Trade card for Russell's White Drops for Babies, location unknown, undated

The bottom of the card reads "Cures wind colic, cholera infantum, and kindred complaints." A young girl plays hoops in the illustration.

"Floral album and ladies' companion with valuable advice for invalids", The C.G. Clark Co., New Haven, Connecticut, 1868

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The flower dictionary is inters...

Trade card for Vegetine, the great blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1878

Vegetine can be used to treat skin eruptions, chronic sore eyes and general debility. There are two testimonials dated 1878.

Trade card for Vegetine, the great blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass. and Toronto, Ontario, 1880

The card verso has a testimonial dated 1880.

Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated

Sapanule cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all inflammatory pains. It is recommended by Henry Bergh, President of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Cupid watches a couple in the image.

Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated

Sapanule cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all inflammatory pains. It is recommended by Henry Bergh, President of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Two couples greet each other in a park in the image.

Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Bellanodyne Porous Plaster, location unknow, undated

The card verso describes the Plaster and Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid. Geo F. Ropes & Co., druggists, is stamped across the upper right side of the card. Ropes is located in Salem, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Dr. Wilton's Catarrh Cure, Edminster & Fassett, No. 83 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The business carries mandrake and horehound pills, Messer's Patent Inhaling Tube and Moyle's Australian Rheumatic Liniment. Edminster & Fassett are the successors to Rogers, Fuller & Company.

Trade card for Ayer's Pills, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

This trade card contains harmful imagery including stereotypical caricatures of Native American people. Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Histo...

Trade card for Ayer's Ague Cure, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

The text language on the card verso may be Armenian.

Trade card for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

Multi-colored flowers decorate the card. The text language on the card verso may be Armenian.

Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for treating mental and physical exhaustion and dyspepsia. The text on the verso reads "Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass."

Trade card for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Lynn, Mass., undated

The use of the Vegetable Compound is described on the card verso. Pinkham also sells liver pills and a blood purifier.

Trade card for Dr. Marshall's Electrophathic Disk, No. 17 Broad Street, Lynn, Mass., undated

Joseph G. Conner is the general agent for the product.

Trade card for Prescott's Rye & Rock Remedy, H.W. Prescott & Sons, 75 Chambers Street, New York, New York, undated

The product is for coughs and lung disorders. Retail prices are listed on the card verso.

Postcard for Listerated Pepsin Gum, location unknown, undated

A dog and a teddy bear illustrate the verses for Listerated Pepsin Gum.

Trade card for Merchant's Gargling Oil Liniment for man & beast, John Hodge, Merchant's Gargling Oil Company, Lockport, New York, undated

The product was first introducted in 1833. The yellow wrapper liniment is for animals and the white wrapper liniment is for humans. B.G. Dennison, dealer in 5 and 10 cent and bargain goods, is advertised on the card verso. Dennison is located at No. 1 O'Brien Block, Brunswick, Maine.

Trade card for Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, remedy for coughs and colds, location unknown, undated

Dr. Jayne's products are sold by H.M. Whitney & Co., Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, location unknown, 1887

The card verso has a calendar for 1887. The "Advice to Mothers" is given in English, German and French.

Trade card for Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup for coughs, colds and consumption, location unknown, undated

The children and the cat are asleep in the image. When holding the item up to the light all three are awake in the image.

Trade card for Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Scott & Bowne, New York and London, 1887

The illustration is captioned "La Nichée (The Nest)." The product is described on the card verso.

Trade card for Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, Perry Davis & Son, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product was introduced in 1840. It is available at G.H. Hartwell, drugs, medicines, chemicals and fancy articles, in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Cherubs carry a bottle in the image with the caption "Joy to the world."

Trade card for Bovinine, the great tonic and restorative fluid food, The J.P. Bush Mfg. Co., Chicago and New York, 1885

The card verso has a testimonial from Colonel Fred Grant, dated October 1, 1885, stating that use of Bovinine allowed his father, President Grant, to finish his personal memoirs.

Trade card for Compound Oxygen, Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ca. 1880

Potential customers can write to Starkey & Palen for a pamphlet describing the product.

Trade card for Burdock Blood Bitters, Foster, Milburn & Co., Buffalo, New York, undated

The product, a blood purifier, is aimed at women. Its benefits are described on the card verso.

Trade card for Mrs. E. Kidder's Cholera, Dysentery and Diarrhea Cordial, No. 100 Court Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Mrs. Kidder's principal office is on Court Street in Boston, Massachusetts.