Advertisment for Turner's Tic Douloureux or Universal Neuralgia Pill, Turner & Co., proprietors, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., 1867 Advertisements for Dr. Babcock's Hair Dressing, American Dermatological Institute, 28 Winter Street, Boston, Mass., December 1867 Billhead for the Howard Drug Company, wholesale and retail, White River Junction, Vermont, dated August 26, 1921 Trade card for Dr. J.Q. Dickerman & Son, No. 64 City Square, Taunton, Mass., 1879 Trade card for Dr. E.J. Thompson, dentist, 91 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated Trade card for James Taylor, Jr., M.D., 49 Pearl Street, Worcester, Mass., undated Trade card for Dr. Gerard L. Lemay, optometrist, 1221 Elm Street, Manchester, New Hampshire, undated Advertisement for Dr. J.W. Poland's White Pine Compound, New England Botanic Depot, Boston, Mass., October 1867 Advertisement for Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, location unknown, September 1867 Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion, B.C. Perry, dermatologist, No. 49 Bond Street, New York, New York, November 1867 Circular for Renne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil, Wm. Renne & Sons, Pittsfield, Mass., undated Receipt for Thomson's Patent, Samuel Thomson, Boston, Mass., dated August 30, 1839 Circular for The Ayer Line of Family Medicines, Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated Circular for Vegetine, blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1881-1882 Circular for Vegetine, blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1872 Circular for The Family Medicine Herbalia, blood purifier, A.J. Morse & Co., 364 Athens Street, South Boston, Mass., 1880 Label for Dr. Chas. Adams' Concentrated Jaundice and Tonic Bitters, Oakham, Mass., undated Trade card for Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., druggists and dealers in medicines, Lowell, Mass., undated Trade card for Timothy Parker, rheumatism tonic, No. 10 Alley Street, Lynn, Mass., undated Trade card for Ayer's Ague Cure, Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879 Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879 Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, 1879 Trade card for Parkers Tonic, location unknown, undated Trade card for Russell's White Drops for Babies, location unknown, undated "Floral album and ladies' companion with valuable advice for invalids", The C.G. Clark Co., New Haven, Connecticut, 1868 Trade card for Vegetine, the great blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass., 1878 Trade card for Vegetine, the great blood purifier, H.R. Stevens, No. 464 Broadway, Boston, Mass. and Toronto, Ontario, 1880 Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Bellanodyne Porous Plaster, location unknow, undated Trade card for Dr. Wilton's Catarrh Cure, Edminster & Fassett, No. 83 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass., undated Trade card for Ayer's Pills, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated Trade card for Ayer's Ague Cure, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated Trade card for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, manufactured by J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated Trade card for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Lynn, Mass., undated Trade card for Dr. Marshall's Electrophathic Disk, No. 17 Broad Street, Lynn, Mass., undated Trade card for Prescott's Rye & Rock Remedy, H.W. Prescott & Sons, 75 Chambers Street, New York, New York, undated Postcard for Listerated Pepsin Gum, location unknown, undated Trade card for Merchant's Gargling Oil Liniment for man & beast, John Hodge, Merchant's Gargling Oil Company, Lockport, New York, undated Trade card for Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, remedy for coughs and colds, location unknown, undated Trade card for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, location unknown, 1887 Trade card for Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup for coughs, colds and consumption, location unknown, undated Trade card for Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Scott & Bowne, New York and London, 1887 Trade card for Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, Perry Davis & Son, Providence, Rhode Island, undated Trade card for Bovinine, the great tonic and restorative fluid food, The J.P. Bush Mfg. Co., Chicago and New York, 1885 Trade card for Compound Oxygen, Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ca. 1880 Trade card for Burdock Blood Bitters, Foster, Milburn & Co., Buffalo, New York, undated Trade card for Mrs. E. Kidder's Cholera, Dysentery and Diarrhea Cordial, No. 100 Court Street, Boston, Mass., undated