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Billhead for Pratt & Inman, iron and steel, 15-17 Washington Square, Worcester, Mass., dated June 18, 1898

Pratt & Inman make special steels for bicycle and firearm construction.

Billhead for Wetherell Brothers, agents, 31 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass., dated October 11, 1884

Wetherell Brothers are agents for Smith, Sutton & Company the owners of La Belle Steel Works, Ridge Avenue and Belmont Street in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania.

Letterhead for Goldberg & Rathman, dealers in new and old metals and rubber, 289-293 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass., dated May 26, 1906

The business manufactures lead, solder babbitt and type metals.

Billhead for the Dover Stamping Company, Nos. 86, 88, 90 & 92 North Street, Boston, Mass., dated October 13, 1883

The Dover Stamping Company is located on North Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

Letterhead for the Waterbury Brass Co., Waterbury, Connecticut, dated November 9, 1860

The mills for the Waterbury Brass Company are seen at the top of the letterhead.

Shapes of rolled iron for buildings, bridges and ships,The Passaic Rolling Mill Co., Paterson, New Jersey, July 1877

The rolled iron shapes are shown with measurements.

Letterhead for the U.T. Hungerford Brass & Copper Co. of Boston, sheets, rolls, wire, Boston, Mass., dated January 20, 1920

The verso has a listing of the Company's Star Brand lines. The business has offices in Boston, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco.

Label for bath lozenges, location unknown, undated

The text is within a decorated oval.

Label for Otto of Rose Lozenges, location unknown, undated

A rose plant is shown in the middle of the label.

Label for ginger lozenges, location unknown, undated

An eagle perches on the stand holding the ginger lozenges banner.

Trade card for American Cough Drops, C.A. Pelton, proprietor, Middletown, Connecticut, undated

The card text reads "Stop that cough by using the American Cough Drops, always reliable."

Trade card for Watasia, location unknown, undated

The text on the card reads "Ask your druggist for Watasia."

Trade card for Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, prepared by Orator F. Woodward, Le Roy, New York, undated

The product is described on the card verso. Customers can receive a trial bottle by completing the card and sending 2 cent stamps.

Trade card for the Celebrated Canker & Salt Rheum Syrup, Certate and Canker Cure, S.A. Weaver & Co., undated

A.W. Munger is the traveling agent for the Weaver Company, the sole proprietors of the Canker Cure. He also represents Perry Davis & Son's Pain Killer.

Box for Lo-Belo Plasters, manufactured by Bryant Manufacturing Co., Arlington, Mass., undated

The product is for sensitive, aching and inflamed conditions of the teeth. The card verso has directions for application of the plaster.

Trade card for Allen's Root Beer Extract, prepared only by C.E. Carter, pharmacist, Lowell, Mass., undated

The item is promoted as beneficial to the kidneys, liver and digestion. A 25 cent bottle will make six gallons of root beer.

Trade card for Sampson's Secret and Frothingham's Mandrake Pills, Frothingham & Underhill, Washington Square Drug Store, location unknown, undated

Sampson's Secret is advertised to cure catarrh, asthma and dyspepsia. The Mandrake Pills are "the best Family Medicine in the World."

Trade card for Hood's Sarsaparilla, C.I. Hood & Co., apothecaries, Lowell, Mass., 1877

The product is described as a blood purifier with a testimonial from J.P. Thompson, Register of Deeds, Middlesex County on the card verso.

Trade card for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 233 & 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., undated

The card verso text states the product is "a positive cure for all female complaints." The image is a portrait of Lydia E. Pinkham. Dort & Chandler in Keene, New Hampshire sells the product.

Trade card for Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, location unknown, undated

The image caption reads "I take it every morning. It is the correct thing you know." The product is available from A.J. Barker, bookseller & stationer, 10 Union Block, Taunton, Massachusetts.

Leaflet for Chas. Crompton & Sons, Inc., manufacturing chemists, 106 Ontario Street, Lynn, Mass., undated

The business deals in proprietary medicines, flavoring extracts, household agents and toiletries. The image caption on the verso reads "The home of Crompton's Headache Powders."

Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated

The product is a glycerine lotion which cures rheumatism, neuralgia, pneumonia, diphtheria, sore throats and inflammation of the lungs and kidneys.Three children and their dog are ice skating in the image.

Trade card for Hood's Vegetable Pills, C.I. Hood & Co., apothecaries, Lowell, Mass., undated

Hood's Vegetable Pills invigorate the liver, regulate the bowels and cure sick headache.

Trade card for Hood's Sarsapailla, prepared by C.I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

The image caption reads "Purifies the blood, makes the weak strong, creates an appetite." The card verso is a concert and variety program for Barnum & Bailey's Circus.

Trade card for T. Hill Mansfield's Capillaris for the hair, scalp & toilet, Portland, Maine, undated

The product is a pomade for dandruff, hair loss and all scalp diseases.

Trade card for Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills, location unknown, undated

A small child prays while kneeling on a bed in the image. The card verso has customer testimonials.

Trade card for Mennen's Borated Talcum Toilet Powder for infants and adults, G. Mennen Chemical Co., 577 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey, undated

The bottom of the card reads "The only healthful and sanitary powder endorsed by physicians." The card verso text describes the product and promotes Mennen's Sure Corn Killer.

Trade card for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, location unknown, undated

The card verso description is largely unreadable but appears to list conditions and the time frame it will take to cure each one.

Trade card for Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, for coughs, consumption and all lung diseases, prepared by Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Boston, Mass., undated

The product has been in existence for more than forty years according to the description on the card verso. People ride in a carriage drawn by four horses in the image.

Trade card for Melvin's Vegetable Pills, Nerve Liniment and Cough Syrup, Dr. J. Melvin Co., Woburn, Mass., undated

The business will send a set of placques to customers who send in a product wrapper. The image caption reads "Seigneur & Chatelaine-XVI Siècle."

Trade card for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, manufactured by J.C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

The text on the card verso is in the Greek language. The card image shows people from different parts of the world gathered around a healer.

Trade card for Ayer's Hair Vigor, prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

A little girl dips her grandmother's false curls in an ink well in the card image. The card verso text describes the benefits of Ayer's Hair Vigor.

Trade card for M.K. Paine, druggist & pharmaceutist, corner of Main & State Streets, Windsor, Vermont, undated

Paine manufactures the Green Mountain Balm of Gilead & Cedar Plaster.

Trade card for Hood's Sarsaparilla, C.I. Hood & Co., apothecaries, Lowell, Mass., undated

The importance of blood purification is described on the card verso. "Hood's Cook Book, No.2" is free at any drug store in New England. The cherub figure in the image carries the product and blows a trumpet.

Label for Compound Emulsion Fir Balsam, prepared by Bullard & Shedd, druggists, Keene, New Hampshire, undated

The product can be used as a remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis and diseases of the urinary passages.

Label for Syrup Hydriodic Acid, prepared by Bullard & Shedd, druggists, Keene, New Hampshire, undated

The product is used in treating asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, acute and chronic rheumatism and eczema.

Label for Elixir Juniper Compound, prepared by Bullard & Shedd, druggists, Keene, New Hampshire, undated

The Compound can be used to treat diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Village blacksmith, presented by Mrs. Selden H. Smith, care of C. Crowinsheild, Hartford Co., Shaker Station, Connecticut, 1882

Globe's Pills are advertised in a narrative about a blacksmith's recovery from illness. A caldendar for 1882 is inside the front cover. The product is available from L. Brown, No. 54 Warren Street, New York City. The pamphlet is missing pages 1 and 2. Directions for product use are given in English,...

Trade card for Merchant's Gargling Oil Liniment for man & beast, John Hodge, Merchant's Gargling Oil Company, Lockport, New York, undated

The product was first introducted in 1833. The yellow wrapper liniment is for animals and the white wrapper liniment is for humans. A.D. Stetson, dealer in furniture and carpets is advertised on the card verso. Stetson is located in Bath, Maine.

Trade card for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

A poem entitled "Happy Childhood" is printed on the card verso.

Trade card for Bell-Cap-Sic Plasters, J.M. Grosvenor & Co., Boston, Mass., 1899

A shoeshine boy and his dog are shown in the image.

Trade card for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, location unknown, undated

The card verso lists conditions and the time frame it will take to cure each one. Birds fly around a fan in the card image.

Trade card for Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, remedy for coughs and colds, location unknown, undated

Cha. Chapman in Woodstock, Vermont sells Dr. Jayne products. A little girl holds a large dog in the card image.

Trade card for Phenyo-Caffein, pills, Phenyo-Caffein Co., Worcester, Mass., undated

The product cures headache and neuralgia. The illustration is a puzzle with hidden images.

Trade card for Lactart Milk Acid, beverage, Avery Lactate Co., Boston, Mass., 1884

The beverage relieves fevers, headache, insomnia, depression and urinary problems. It is sold by E.V. Stoddard & Company, apothecaries, 50 State Street, New London, Connecticut.

Trade card for David Nicholson's Liquid Bread, David Nicholson, St. Louis, Missouri and P.O. Box 961, New York, New York, 1885

This malt extract tonic won a gold medal at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial on June 2, 1885. It is available at Bush & Co., apothecaries, 56 Front Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Brochure for Horsford's Acid Phospate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, 1891

The brochure text describes the product as a preparation of the phosphates of potash, iron, lime, phosphoric acid, etc., in solution. It can be taken as a remedy for dyspepsia, headache, insomnia, seasickness and alcohol abuse.

Trade card for "Mellin's Food for infants and invalids", The Doliber-Goodale Co., 41 Central Wharf, Boston, Mass., undated

Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or edit objects and / or historical text. The infant's eyes open when hol...

Trade card for Athlophoros, rheumatism and neuralgia, The Athlophoros Co., New Haven, Connecticut, undated

A dark-haired woman in a green gown illustrates the card for Athlophoros a rheumatism medication.

Trade card for Mrs. E. Kidder's Cholera, Dysentery and Diarrhea Cordial, No. 100 Court Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Mrs. Kidder's principal office is on Court Street in Boston, Massachusetts.