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Trade card for Pleis Fit Powders, John M. Pleis, Jr., No. 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, undated

Memorial Hall in Philadelphia is shown on the card verso.

Trade card for Witch Cream and Witches Toilet Powder, C.H. & J. Price, Salem, Mass., undated

The products are for chaps, sunburn and nursery use. The inside of the card has drawings of Roger Williams' First Church and House.

Trade card for Murdock's Liquid Food, Murdock Liquid Food Co., Boston, Mass., 1890

The product makers claim results at the Free Surgical Hospital for Women in Boston, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, location unknown, undated

The image caption reads "I never have a headache after a Ball because I take Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient."

Label for deodorized benzine, Hall & Lyon, apothecaries, No. 203 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

Hall & Lyon are the successors to Howe & Carr.

Trade card for Melvin's Vegetable Pills, Nerve Liniment and Cough Syrup, Dr. J. Melvin Co., Woburn, Mass., undated

Drug prices are listed on the card verso. Customers sending in the product wrapper will receive a set of images or one fringed card.

Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated

Sapanule cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all inflammatory pains. It is recommended by Henry Bergh, President of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A woman reclines on a hammock with children watching her.

Trade card for Sapanule, lotion, location unknown, undated

Sapanule cures rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and all inflammatory pains. It is recommended by Henry Bergh, President of the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "Everard H. Kelley, Family Druggist" is stamped on the card verso. Croquet is played by four individuals in the card ima...

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." Boys sledding on a hill knock down unaware men in the image.

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." A bull attacks a painting while the artist is distracted by the subject in the image.

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." A young boy teases an elderly man in the image.

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." A man playing a musical instrument outside a house is attacked by a dog in the image.

Trade cards for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." A man holding a scythe and a woman with a red shawl converse over a basket of produce.

Trade card for "Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye", Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

This trade card contains harmful imagery regarding sexual harassment. Historic New England acknowledges historical records / objects may contain harmful imagery and language reflecting attitudes and biases of their creators and time in which they were made. Historic New England does not alter or...

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." A romantic couple is unaware of a large figure holding a club in the image.

Trade card for Barrett's Rock Candy & Hermitage Rye, Depot, 45 North Market Street, Boston, Mass., 1877

The text reads "Standard remedy for all diseases of the throat & lungs." Farm yard animals react to a young man singing to his girl friend in the image.

Trade card for Straits, Bank & Shore Oils, pure cod liver oil, A.W. Dodd & Co., Gloucester, Mass., undated

The Oils are for medicinal purposes.

Trade card for the Leicestershire Mustard Mills, James Crosher, 38 Vesey Street, New York, New York, undated

The card verso reads "Constantly in stock, job lots of patent medicines, cheap for cash only."

Trade card for Fisk & Arnold, manufacturers of artificial limbs, No. 8 Hamilton Place, Boston, Mass., undated

The business is the only manufacturer of the Jewett Leg in New England.

Trade card for Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, location unknown, undated

"Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid cures all diseases of the stomach, liver & blood." The card verso describes the conditions Liveraid will cure. The bottom of the verso reads "The Bellanodyne Plaster relieves pain like a touch of magic."

Trade card for the Moxie beverage, Moxie Nerve Food Co., 68 Beverly Street, Boston, Mass., undated

Facts about Moxie are listed on the card verso. The year "c. 1895" is handwritten on the verso.

Story of Esquire Brown and his mule, A.C. Meyer & Co., Baltimore, Maryland, undated

Illustrations and testimonials promote the use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and Salvation Oil.

Trade card for Maltine, Reed & Carnrick, manufacturing pharmacists, 196-8 Fulton Street, New York, New York, 1880

Maltine preparations are listed and described inside the card. The card verso has an 1880 calendar.

Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for treating mental and physical exhaustion and dyspepsia. The text on the verso reads "Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass."

Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for treating mental and physical exhaustion and dyspepsia. The text on the verso reads "Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass."

Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for treating mental and physical exhaustion and dyspepsia. The text on the verso reads "Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass." The product is sold by Thomas B. Nichols, apothecary, 159 1-2 Essex Street, Museum Building, Salem, Massachusetts.

Trade card for Horsfords Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for treating mental and physical exhaustion and dyspepsia. The text on the verso reads "Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass." The card verso reads "Horsford's Bread Preparation, Rumford Yeast Powder and Horsford's Baking Powder are made of Pr...

Trade card for Thermaline, location unknown, undated

The card verso reads "A carefully prepared combination of the active principals of Calisaya Bark and a species of the Fever Tree of Australia." Thermaline treats chills, fever, dyspepsia and malarial diseases. The product is prepared in the form of capsulets for swallowing. Each capsulet is equal t...

Trade card for Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, Dr. J.H. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, undated

The products are "purely vegetable" according to the card verso. Two young girls treat their dolls in the image.

Trade card for the German Corn Remover, B.F. Arthur & Co., 84 Front Street, New York, New York, undated

The product was patented August 3, 1880. The card must be held up to the light to read the complete text.

Trade card for Hood's Vegetable Pills, C.I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass., undated

Hood's Vegetable Pills invigorate the liver, regulate the bowels and cure sick headache. The card must be held up to the light to read the text spelled out in the stars.

Trade card for Horsford's Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for the treatment of dyspepsia, nervousness, indigestion, headache, wakefulness, urinary difficulties and diminished vitality. The text reads "Manufactured according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford by the Rumford Chemical Works."

Trade card for Palmer's Skin-Success, The Palmer Co., 122 Nassau Street, New York, New York, undated

The height of the Washington Monument is compared to the height of other world landmarks.

Trade card for St. Jacobs Oil for Sprains, The Charles A. Vogeler Company, Baltimore, Maryland, undated

The product removes pain and stiffness for athletes, cyclists and boating men after training or accidents.

Trade card for Dr. Hartshorn's Cough Balsam, E. Hartshorn & Sons, proprietors, Boston, Mass., undated

The product treats lung and throat disease. A little girl feeds bread crumbs to ducks in a pond in the image.

Brochure for Morse Yellow Dock, Morse Yellow Dock Syrup Co., Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The vegetable product works on the blood, liver and kidneys to treat conditions. The Company has leased No. 45 Court Street in Boston to serve the public. The front of the card is stamped "H.C. Parke, Agt., M.Y.D. Syrup Co."

Trade card for Horsford's Acid Phosphate, Rumford Chemical Works, 58, 59, & 60 South Water Street, Providence, Rhode Island, undated

The product is for the treatment of dyspepsia, nervousness, indigestion, headache, wakefulness, urinary difficulties and diminished vitality. The text reads "Manufactured according to the directions of Prof. E.N. Horsford by the Rumford Chemical Works." The inside of the card has references and back...

Trade card for Ferrated Hygienic Wine, C.H. & J. Price, Salem, Mass., undated

The medicine is a compound of tonic barks with iron and a mild wine. It cures malacious diseases and gives tone and strength to the overworked system.

Trade card for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, location unknown, undated

The card verso lists conditions and the time frame it will take to cure each one.

Trade card for Hauthaways Peerless Gloss for ladies and children boots and shoes, C.L. Hauthaway & Sons, Boston, Mass., undated

Cherubs pull a wagon with the shoe polish bottle in the image.

Trade card for Burdock Blood Bitters, Foster, Milburn & Co., Buffalo, New York, undated

The product is a blood purifier. Its benefits for women are described on the card verso. A little boy in uniform holds a large sword in the image.

Trade card for Lactopeptine, The New York Pharmacal Association, location unknown, undated

The medicine is for treating dyspepsia and all diseases arising from imperfect digestion.

Trade card for Burdock Blood Bitters, Foster, Milburn & Co., Buffalo, New York, undated

The product is promoted as a blood purifier for treating dyspepsia and liver complaints. The card verso has customer testimonials. Druggist A.B. Foster sells the tonic in Orange, Massachusetts.

Labels for drugs, Thomas Hollis, chemist and apothecary, 30 Union Street, Boston, Mass., undated

The labels are for camphor, aqua ammonia, volatile liniment and inf. senna comp.

Trade card for Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, for coughs, consumption & all lung diseases, I. Butts, location unknown, undated

Conditions treated by the tonic are described on the card verso.

Dixie's land, The Piso Company, Warren, Pennsylvania, 1896

The score is a promotion for Piso's Cure for Consumption and Remedy for Catarrh. Customer testimonials and product descriptions are inside the front and back covers. The product is for sale by Dr.W.C. Kempton, W. Springfield, New Hampshire.

Advertisement for Carter's Little Liver Pills, location unknown, undated

The product cures sick headache and a number of other conditions described on the verso. A small boy plays an instrument in the image.

Trade card for Allen's Jewell Five Cent Plug, G.K. Mellor, corner Union & Pleasant Streets, Worcester, Mass., undated

The pharmacist sells Mellor Excelsior Soda, healthy temperance beer and medicated ginger ale. The verso has a female figure anticipating a positive response from her husband for bringing home the chewing tobacco.

Scientific manual on the care of the skin and complexion, Geo. C. Frye, Portland, Maine, 1892

The benefits of the product for various skin conditions are described in the pamphlet. The item, advertising Frye's Amandine with Quince, is in the shape of a quince tree fruit.

Trade card for Athlophoros, rheumatism, The Athlophoros Co., New Haven, Connecticut, undated

A dark-haired woman in a yellow gown illustrates the card for Athlophoros a rheumatism medication.